This is my first "Works for me Wednesday." How be treated like a "Queen" in a restaurant. The other day I had a little extra cash and a little extra time after running errands before I had to pick the kids us, so I went to lunch at Chili's. I had right at 1 hour before I had to go pick them up. I was really thirsty, so I ask as soon as I was taking to my table if they had Coke. They did and the waitress brought it right out. Then while looking at the menu I took my phone out to watch the time. I couldn't decide what I wanted, so the waitress had to come back a couple of time and I asked her questions about a couple of things on the menu. After she took my order I took out my notebook I carry in purse, to right down some things I needed to do the next day.
Any way, the point. She never let my glass get over half empty. Even on her way to serve other tables their food, she would say i 'll be right back with another Coke. I had ordered a small steak; she had me cut into it before she would leave my table to make sure it was cooked just right. There were many other customers in the restaurant, but I seemed to be the only one getting this attention. I thought maybe it was because she felt sorry for the lady in the stained sweatshirt eating by her self.
So my tip for the day. If you go out to lunch by yourself or even w/ a friend:
1. Know what you want to drink when you go in and ask as soon
as you can if they have it.
2. Take out your phone and put it on the table, check the time every once in a while, especially after you order is taken.
3. Take out a small notebook and right in it (even if it's just your name)
4. Ask questions about the menu.
You'll never have to go thirsty again.!! :)
Well, that's WORKS FOR ME! For more Works for me Wednesday s go to
Cool! I never would have thought of that either! It's worth trying!
LOL! Now that's funny!
This is so great and funny! Thanks for sharing! :) You gave me an idea for a blog post because I had a similar experience once. I found you through Rocks in my Dryer and saw your post above asking for comments from anyone who reads your blog. I started blogging last year, and I realized though it would be fun to have an audience, it is just as purposeful to have a place to write and look back on later. Keep blogging! Someone was here, and more will be! :)
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